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How did Sodexo manage 30,000 employees spread across the country as part of its partnership with JOP24?

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Sodexo, the world leader in services for a better quality of life, is fully committed to being an official partner of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. The company now has 30,000 employees spread across the country in headquarters and field functions.

As part of its partnership with the Paris 2024 Games and in order to unite its employees around this theme, the Sodexo Group has partnered with OuiLive.

Through 6 consecutive Challenges, participants were able to become aware of the history of the games and its evolutions.

In the end, a major reward: tickets for the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Victory has never tasted so much!

30 000




12 millions

de pas

Bringing the challenge to life: implementation, support

Thanks to the expertise of their dedicated Challenge Managers, Sodexo Group's project teams received comprehensive support including calibration meetings, retroschedules (projects/communication) and follow-up meetings.

Sodexo's needs, combined with the recommendations of the OuiLive teams, made it possible to structure Challenges. These challenges are composed of teams and personalized content, inspired by various and varied themes written by the OuiLive editorial teams.

The technical flexibility of the tool made it possible to vary the number of stages, the duration of the Challenges, the number of languages and the team modes according to the themes chosen.

The communication of these 6 Challenges was designed and carried out by OuiLive, in accordance with the requests and needs of the customer.

Sodexo was thus able to have fully personalized communication kits in its colors including wording, videos or visuals. The objective? communicate before, during and after the Challenges to motivate employees and boost events.

A successful challenge!

The content of the Challenges has been personalized, giving rise to four or five distinct stages, each offering a photo and video challenge, polls, quizzes, and a continuous pedometer.

In order to reward its winning collaborators, Sodexo offered seats to the three best individual champions as well as to the three best teams to attend the competition events.

With more than 12 million steps taken and more than 50 teams registered for each Challenge, these events are a real internal success. Sodexo employees gain cohesion and unite around the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games partnership.

Our customer pride

Head of the Quality and CSR Department

“The OuiLive experience is a real opportunity in terms of team leadership and communication for the Sodexo Live CSR program! Thanks to the challenges and the various game channels, we have acculturated, raised awareness and made our employees want to act.”

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