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How did Viparis strengthen the cohesion and commitment of its employees while celebrating a major event such as the Paris 2024 Olympic Games?

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As an official supporter of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, Viparis sought to mobilize all of its employees around a festive and unifying initiative. In this spirit, the company launched an internal challenge, composed of various interactive modules such as quizzes, surveys, and photo and video challenges, enriched by monitoring physical activity using pedometers.

The program aimed to strengthen the commitment and cohesion of teams, while aligning corporate goals with enthusiasm for the Olympic Games. This allowed for a collective celebration of the values of sport and collaboration.

+10 000 000

Pas effectués


Kilomètres parcourus


Organized challenges

Bringing the program to life: implementation, support

The implementation of the Challenge by Viparis was strategically spread over several months to maximize the commitment of participants and integrate a healthy competitive dimension through attractive rewards for the best teams. Pre-trained teams were invited to participate in various challenges, allowing for diversity in interactions and ongoing engagement.

The support from OuiLive was crucial, covering everything from the design phase to execution. They provided personalized communication materials, monitored activities regularly, and dynamically adjusted challenges to maintain a high level of participation and enthusiasm.

A successful challenge!

Viparis had set a goal of 10 million recorded steps and 8,000 kilometers traveled. The challenge was met with flying colors and even surpassed! The winning teams were rewarded, and the drawing for collective rewards increased the dynamic of participation.

The success of the program encouraged Viparis to consider new and similar challenges in the future, proving that fun and inclusive activities can coexist with corporate goals, enriching the employee experience.

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