How does Les Apprentis d'Auteuil generate donations and engage the employees of its sponsors each year during its Inter-company Challenge Je Marche Pour Apprentis d'Auteuil?
Each year Apprentis d'Auteuil supports nearly 40,000 young people and 8,000 vulnerable families. Thanks to its reception, education, training and integration programs in France and abroad. The foundation currently has more than 7200 employees.
Since 2022, Apprentis d'Auteuil has been organizing its own Inter-company Challenge every year. The foundation offers companies a sports and solidarity event between companies, to support families in difficulty.
Deployed over a period of 12 days, the Challenge organized by Apprentis d'Auteuil aims to mobilize all employees and participating companies to generate donations in favor of The Family Houses !
mobilized employees
committed businesses
€290,000 in donations
for the Apprentis d'Auteuil association
Thanks to the expertise of their dedicated Challenge Managers, the Apprentis d'Auteuil project teams received comprehensive support: calibration, retroplanning (project/communication) and follow-up.
An OuiLive expert was made available to the Apprentis d'Auteuil teams with support adapted to their requests and requirements established during the project calibration meeting. The support of our project managers allowed operational monitoring at the project and communication level by maximizing our solution in the face of the wishes of Apprentis d'Auteuil.
By synergising the needs of Apprentis d'Auteuil with the suggestions of the OuiLive teams and the possibilities offered by the platform, the challenge was structured in 5 stages over a period of 12 days in order to maintain a high level of commitment among employees and participating companies during the period.
The communication for this Challenge was developed and implemented by OuiLive, in line with the wishes and needs of the customer.
The communication kits, fully personalized and aligned with the visual identity of Les Apprentis d'Auteuil, included various wordings, videos, visuals, supporting documents and key data that made it possible to communicate on the Global Challenge.
Communications were broadcast before, during and after the challenges in order to inform, inspire and animate the Challenge, while keeping the commitment of the participants high.
The Challenge was a resounding success this year with 31 participating companies and more than 2,000 employees. Feedback from businesses and employees has been very positive, with 94.2% of respondents wanting to leave next year. The application was appreciated for its design and ergonomics, and the addition of the “challenge” tab with solidarity missions was a real plus. The participation of companies and the mobilization of all employees made it possible to unlock a donation of 290,000€ for the association Les Maisons des Familles.The collaboration with OuiLive was very much appreciated, with good responsiveness and quality support, despite some points of improvement identified, such as step synchronization problems for 40.6% of respondents, delays in displaying rankings, and discrepancies between extraction data and video data. The solutions proposed by OuiLive should make it possible to overcome these challenges in the future.
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