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BPCE T&O (Technologies & Operations) wishes to promote its partnership with the torch relay by creating a digital torch relay to engage all of its employees.

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The objective of this project was to organize a charitable virtual relay involving all employees of the T&O division in Paris and the regions. This relay was adapted to the passage of the Olympic flame and the participants passed the flame virtually and symbolically between the various sites concerned. Together, they had to travel the number of kilometers needed to connect their site to the next one.

A charitable dimension was integrated into the project into the project in the form of donations collected through the physical activity of the participants.

24 sites

in 80 days


donated to the FFSA association


of active users

Bringing the challenge to life

<aside>💡 Network mode:

Network mode is a game mode that allows several different audiences to play on the same Challenge. This game mode provides global visibility allowing the challenges and results of all participants to be consulted while offering a dedicated interface for users in the same group.Network mode is an exclusive feature that made it possible to deploy a cascading Challenge, divided into short segments specific to each region, in order to optimize participation during a demanding period.Each zone was able to benefit from a dedicated interface and personalized challenges, while having a visibility on the T&O relay during the three months of the Challenge. This approach gives participants significant flexibility, allowing them to register for one or more stages, or to switch to spectator status once their challenge has been completed.

Support: creation of an interactive map to monitor the progress of the digital torch relay in real time.

Communication: support with communication elements dedicated to each site.


A successful challenge!

BPCE T&O employees walked for the benefit of the French Adapted Sport Federation (FFSA) supporting the practice of physical and sports activities of people with mental and/or psychological disabilities. A minimum donation of 5000€ should be given to the association, doubled if each site achieves the distance set for its challenge.

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