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Cohesion & QWL

Explore 5 innovative concepts of internal competitions in companies to stimulate the commitment of your employees

Idea 1: Creativity contest

The creativity competition is an opportunity for teams to highlight their inventiveness and spirit of innovation through the realization of creative projects. Whether in design, strategic thinking or concept development, this competition offers a space for free expression and encourages the active participation of all team members.

Objectives of the competition

  • Stimulate creativity and innovation within the team.
  • Encourage collaboration and the sharing of ideas.
  • Strengthen team cohesion through a joint project.

Organization steps

  1. Competition announcement: Clearly communicate the objectives, rules, and criteria for participation.
  2. Team training: Establishing heterogeneous groups to promote the diversity of ideas.
  3. Project definition: Choose a theme or subject on which the teams will have to work.
  4. Creation period: Allow a set amount of time for teams to complete their project.
  5. Presentation of achievements: Organize a presentation session where each team presents its project in front of a jury or all the collaborators.
  6. Evaluation and awards: Evaluate projects according to predefined criteria and reward winning teams.

Some examples of competitions to set up

  • Design of an innovative product meeting a specific need.
  • Creation of an original advertising campaign for an existing product.
  • Proposal of improvements for an internal company process.

This activity not only stimulates the creativity of employees, but also strengthens collaboration and team spirit within the company.

Idea 2: Escape Game in business

The corporate Escape Game is a fun and immersive activity that offers teams the opportunity to solve puzzles, take on challenges and work together to achieve a common goal, all in an entertaining and stimulating environment. This unique experience promotes communication, decision-making and teamwork in an exceptional environment.

Benefits for team cohesion

  • Strengthening relationships between team members.
  • Development of trust and collaboration.
  • Stimulation of creativity and problem solving.

Organization steps

  1. Location selection: Choose a space suitable for setting up the game, preferably outside the usual premises for maximum immersion.
  2. Scenario design: Develop a compelling story and relevant puzzles in line with the goals of the game.
  3. Establishment of teams: Form balanced groups by mixing profiles and departments to promote the diversity of skills.
  4. Game flow: Let the teams solve the puzzles within a given time, while watching their progress.
  5. Debriefing and exchanges: Organize a feedback session for participants to share their feelings and what they have learned.

Some example scenarios

  • Save the world from impending disaster by solving a series of complex puzzles.
  • Escape from a perilous situation by taking advantage of the complementarity of the skills of each member of the team.

Corporate Escape Game is an activity that combines entertainment and the development of professional skills, thus offering a memorable experience while strengthening team cohesion.

Idea 3: Interactive quiz

The interactive quiz in business is a fun and educational activity that allows teams to test their knowledge, stimulate their thinking and promote learning through play. This dynamic format encourages the active participation of employees while strengthening corporate culture and facilitating the transmission of key messages.

Employee engagement benefits

  • Strengthening the involvement of employees in the life of the company.
  • Effective transmission of important information in an attractive manner.
  • Stimulation of curiosity and continuous learning.

Organization steps

  1. Theme selection: Choose a topic related to the company's goals or values to be promoted.
  2. Question creation: Design varied and relevant questions, ensuring a balance between entertainment and informational content.
  3. Choice of format: Opt for a suitable format, whether it is an online quiz, a “Kahoot” game or a paper version.
  4. Quiz animation: Facilitate the session by focusing on interactivity and conviviality to promote the participation of all.
  5. Award ceremony: Rewarding the most successful participants to increase motivation and commitment.

Sample questions

  • What is the main mission of our company?
  • What are the pillars of our corporate culture?
  • What are the key goals of our latest marketing campaign?

The interactive corporate quiz is a versatile activity that combines entertainment, internal communication and knowledge building, thus offering an engaging experience while contributing to the effective transmission of key messages.

Idea 4: Sports tournament

Corporate sports tournaments are activities that aim to promote health, well-being and team cohesion through friendly sports competitions. By encouraging the practice of physical activities and self-improvement, this tournament contributes to strengthening relationships between employees while promoting a corporate culture based on dynamism and sharing.

Benefits for team cohesion

  • Strengthening solidarity and team spirit.
  • Promotion of a healthy and balanced lifestyle within the company.
  • Creation of opportunities for sharing and informal interaction between employees.

Organization steps

  1. Selection of disciplines: Choose sports activities that are varied and accessible to all, such as soccer, volleyball, running, or more fun activities such as tug-of-war or sack racing.
  2. Team building: Form mixed and balanced teams to promote the diversity of profiles and departments.
  3. Event planning: Define a date, location and detailed program for the tournament, making sure to provide moments of conviviality in parallel with the competitions.
  4. Tournament animation: Supervise the various sports events in a dynamic and caring way to promote the participation of all.
  5. Closing ceremony and awards: Close the event with an award ceremony to highlight the commitment and performance of the participants.

The corporate sports tournament is a unifying activity that combines friendly competition, physical well-being and strengthening relationships between employees, thus offering a memorable experience while helping to promote a dynamic and balanced corporate culture.

Idea 5: DIY workshop (Do It Yourself)

The DIY workshop in business is a creative and participatory activity that allows employees to engage in manufacturing or artistic creation projects. By promoting individual expression and cooperation, this workshop offers a space conducive to relaxation, the discovery of new skills and the valorization of manual work.

Benefits for team cohesion

  • Stimulation of creativity and innovation.
  • Boosting self-confidence and a sense of accomplishment.
  • Encouraging individual expression and the sharing of experiences.

Organization steps

  1. Selection of activities: Offer a variety of DIY workshops such as making terrariums, painting on canvas, creating jewelry or making decorative objects.
  2. Material preparation: Ensure that you have all the tools and materials needed for each workshop, ensuring that they are appropriate for all skill levels.
  3. Workshop supervision: Use facilitators or experts in each field to guide participants throughout the activity.
  4. Establishment of a friendly space: Create a place conducive to creativity and exchange, ensuring that everyone has a comfortable space to carry out their project.
  5. Sharing achievements: Organize a presentation session where each participant can present their work and share their experience with the rest of the group.

The DIY workshop in business is a versatile activity that combines creativity, relaxation and strengthening relationships between employees, thus offering an enriching experience while helping to stimulate innovation and individual expression within the company.

By combining the five ideas presented, a company can offer its employees a variety of engaging activities aimed at strengthening team cohesion, fostering innovation, promoting a healthy and balanced lifestyle, and stimulating individual creativity. Creativity contests, escape games, interactive quizzes, sports tournaments, and DIY workshops offer unique opportunities for personal and professional development, while helping to create a dynamic and stimulating work environment. By encouraging the active participation of employees in these initiatives, businesses can not only strengthen corporate culture, but also promote employee well-being and engagement.

By: Swen Ravelontsalama

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