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Combining a sporting challenge at work and well-being at work

What is a sports challenge?

A Corporate Sports Challenge is an initiative to encourage employees to participate in sports activities at work. It can take various forms, such as inter-company competitions, step challenges, one-off sporting events or connected Challenges. The main objective is to stimulate employee engagement, promote health and well-being, strengthen team cohesion and promote a positive work environment. First positive point: no matter what shape you choose, you will find it at OuiLive!

Why organize a Sports Challenge?

Organizing a Sports Challenge in a company has many advantages for employees and for the company itself. Here are a few reasons why it is beneficial to set up such Challenges:

1 - Promoting health and well-being: Sport is an effective way to prevent health problems associated with physical inactivity, such as cardiovascular disease, obesity, and stress. By encouraging employees to participate in sports activities, the company promotes their physical and mental health.

2 - Strengthening team cohesion : Sports Challenges offer employees the opportunity to meet outside the work context and to collaborate in a different environment. This strengthens relationships between colleagues, improves communication, and promotes a strong team culture.

3 - Creating a dynamic work environment: Sports Challenges bring diversity and variety to the daily routine of employees. It helps them stay motivated, take on new challenges, and develop skills such as time management, problem solving, and persistence.

4 - Improving productivity and performance: Healthy and motivated employees are more productive and successful at work. By investing in their well-being, the company promotes the quality of work and the achievement of goals.

QVT: Employer obligations

Improving the quality of life at work (QWL) is a major concern for businesses. Employers have a legal obligation to ensure the well-being of their employees and to put in place measures to promote their health and safety at work. The QWL agreement, which came into force on 31 March 2022, sets out the obligations and rights of the employer in terms of well-being at work. One could therefore question the importance for companies to integrate sports challenges into their QWL strategy in order to meet these obligations.

The benefits of sports activities at work

Corporate sports activities offer numerous benefits for employees and for the company. Here are a few of them:

1 - Improving physical health: Regular physical activity reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity, and musculoskeletal disorders. It also strengthens the immune system and increases the energy and vitality of employees.

2 - Stress and anxiety reduction: Sport is a great way to release the stress accumulated at work. Physical exercise promotes the secretion of endorphins, hormones of well-being, which provide a feeling of relaxation and satisfaction.

3 - Improving concentration and productivity: Regular physical activity stimulates the brain by increasing blood flow and promoting the release of neurotransmitters that are beneficial for concentration and memory.

4 - Strengthening team cohesion : Team sports activities strengthen relationships between employees, improve communication and collaboration, and promote a positive work environment.

5 - Promoting a healthy corporate culture: By integrating sports activities into the life of the company, the company sends a strong message about its commitment to the well-being of its employees and promotes a positive corporate culture.

How to organize a Sports Challenge in a company?

The organization of a sports challenge in a company requires careful planning and effective communication. We present to you the key steps to successfully organize such an event.

The key steps for the successful organization of a Sports Challenge

Involve employees in planning

For the sports challenge to be a success, it is essential to involve employees at the beginning of the planning process. Organize meetings, surveys, or focus groups to gather their ideas and preferences about sports activities to include. This promotes employee engagement and active participation.Plan a QWL calendarIntegrate the Sports Challenge into a QWL calendar, making sure to spread the activities over an extended period of time. Avoid concentrating all activities over a short period of time, as this can lead to excessive fatigue and reduced motivation. Choose a gradual approach, with regular activities throughout the year! That's good when you know that OuiLive offers a Program offer for Challenges, always sporty, all year round...Choice of sports activitiesSelect a variety of sports activities that suit different fitness levels and interests. This may include step challenges, yoga sessions, sports tournaments, dance classes, hikes, or team training sessions. Make sure you offer activities that are appropriate for everyone, in order to encourage everyone's participation.Integrating connected challengesConnected challenges are an excellent way to engage employees and reinforce the fun dimension of the Sports Challenge. The OuiLive app allows you to create challenges, track participants' progress, and reward achievements. Integrate these connected challenges to create enthusiasm and healthy competition between teams or individuals.Provide the necessary resourcesBe sure to provide the resources necessary for employees to participate in sports activities. This may include sports equipment, dedicated spaces, appropriate clothing, or coaching sessions. Ensure that employees have everything they need to take full advantage of the activities offered.

Mistakes to avoid

1 - Lack of clarity in goals: Ensure that the goals of the challenge are clearly defined and communicated to all participants. This will help focus efforts and measure results more accurately.

2 - Ignoring the interests and abilities of the participants: Be sure to offer a variety of activities that suit different fitness levels and interests. Don't limit the challenge to just one type of activity.

3 - Insufficient communication: Make sure you communicate regularly and transparently with employees throughout the challenge. Keep them up to date with updates, results, and next steps.

4 - Lack of support and resources: Make sure you provide the right support to participants, whether in terms of equipment, advice, or coaching. Without adequate support, employees may become discouraged or may not reach their goals.

5 - Lack of monitoring and evaluation: Follow the participation and the results of the challenge on a regular basis. Evaluate participants' feedback to identify strengths and areas for improvement for future challenges.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can maximize the benefits of your corporate sports challenge and offer a positive experience to your employees.

How to measure the impact of your sporting challenge?

To assess the effectiveness of your sports challenge in business, it is essential to put in place measures and indicators to measure its impact. Here are some key steps to measure results and assess the success of your challenge:

Define measurable goals

Before launching your Sports Challenge, set clear and measurable goals. What are the results you want to achieve? Do you aim to improve team cohesion, reduce workplace stress, promote physical health, or achieve other specific goals? By setting clear goals, you can then assess whether you have achieved them.

Communication and transparency

Communication is essential to ensure the success of the Sports Challenge. Update employees regularly about upcoming activities, challenge outcomes, rewards, and health benefits. Use various communication channels such as emails, posters, social networks, or corporate intranets. Also, encourage managers and team leaders to actively promote the challenge and motivate their teams to participate. And good news: the OuiLive team provides and supports you via communication kits dedicated to your operation.

Evaluate results and adjust

Once the Sports Challenge is over, evaluate the results with our team by collecting feedback from employees. Analyze participation statistics, feedback, and suggestions for improvement. Use this information to adjust your next sports challenges and optimize the impact on well-being at work and team cohesion.

Improve the well-being of your employees in a fun, educational and fun way, by organizing a Sports challenge.

Corporate Sports Challenges are a powerful strategy to promote well-being at work, strengthen team cohesion and create a healthy and stimulating work environment. By integrating sports activities and connected challenges into professional life, companies promote physical and mental health of their employees, improve productivity and performance, and create a positive corporate culture. By following the key steps to organize your Corporate Sports Challenge, employers can offer their employees a motivating and rewarding experience that contributes to their professional and personal development!

By: Annabelle Amzalag

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